About our company

Limited liability company VIKO s.r.o. was founded in 1997 and started developing business activities since 1998. We specialize in metallurgical material supplies – sheets,  stainless sheets, aluminium or castings and forgings.

raba - pic12_YI5M1480Spare parts

Substantial part of our business activities are supplies of axles and spare parts manufactured by Magyar company RÁBA. These activities are handled by our subsidiary RÁBA spol. s r.o.

Laser - Nova Trading 2012Always there to cover your needs

Our main focus is to maintain international supplies for our business partners and to help to expand export capabilities of local manufacturers. We are also opened to any other business opportunities, mainly in the area of metallurgy and vehicles. Crucial part of our activities is providing financing for business cases.

Všechna práva vyhrazena 2024 VIKO.cz
Vytvořil: Reklalink s.r.o.